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flowchart %% ==== classDef ==== classDef highPowerSupply stroke-width:5px; classDef lowPowerSupply stroke-width:3px; %% ================== subgraph AZT1[Azimuth Thruster] subgraph AZD1["Azimuth Thruster Driver (Waterproof Box)"] CON1_AZD1([?????<br>IN: 24Vdc]):::highPowerSupply CON2_AZD1([NRW-207-RM<br>IN: 24Vdc]):::lowPowerSupply CON3_AZD1([RJ-45 Connector<br>ENRW-28SC5E-R]) CON4_AZD1([RJ-45 Connector<br>ENRW-28SC5E-R]) DCDC1_AZD1[DC-DC Conv.<br>OUT: 5Vdc 6A]:::lowPowerSupply subgraph MD1["Brushed DC Motor Driver (PCB)"] HB_MD1["(opt-isolated input)<br>Gate Driver + H-Bridge<br>IN: 24Vdc"]:::highPowerSupply MC1_MD1[mbed] MC1_MD1 -->|PWM| HB_MD1 end DCDC2_AZD1[Isolated DC-DC Conv.<br>OUT: 12Vdc]:::highPowerSupply subgraph DC1["Dynamixel Converter (PCB)"] MC1_DC1[mbed] end CON1_AZD1 ==>|24Vdc| HB_MD1 CON1_AZD1 ====>|24Vdc| DCDC2_AZD1 CON2_AZD1 ==>|24Vdc| DCDC1_AZD1 DCDC1_AZD1 ==>|5Vdc| MC1_MD1 & MC1_DC1 CON3_AZD1 -..- MC1_MD1 CON4_AZD1 -...- MC1_DC1 end subgraph Azimuth Thruster subgraph EOM1[Electric Outboard Motor] BDC_AZT1[LACOMETA 86<br>IN: 24V 48Amax]:::highPowerSupply end subgraph ARM1[Azimuth Axis Rotation Motor] SM1_ARM1[Dynamixel XM540-W270<br>IN: 12Vdc]:::highPowerSupply end end HB_MD1 ==>|24V PWM| BDC_AZT1 DCDC2_AZD1 ==>|12Vdc| SM1_ARM1 MC1_DC1 ---|RS-485 or TTL| SM1_ARM1 end
flowchart %% ==== classDef ==== classDef highPowerSupply stroke-width:5px; classDef lowPowerSupply stroke-width:3px; classDef commentComponent fill:#0000,stroke:#0000; %% ================== subgraph BL1[Ball Launcher] subgraph BLCB["Ball Launcher Control Box (Waterproof Box)"] CON1_BLCB>NRW-207-RM<br>IN: 24Vdc] CON2_BLCB>RJ-45 Connector<br>ENRW-28SC5E-R] DCDC1_BLCB[DC-DC Conv.<br>OUT: 5Vdc 6A] MC1_BLCB[mbed] CON1_BLCB ==> DCDC1_BLCB DCDC1_BLCB ==> MC1_BLCB CON2_BLCB -..- MC1_BLCB end subgraph BLT["Ball Launcher Turret"] SM1_BLT[waterproof servo motor] SM2_BLT[waterproof servo motor] SM3_BLT[waterproof servo motor] XXX_BLT[LIDAR or REALSENSE] end MC1_BLCB --- SM1_BLT & SM2_BLT & SM3_BLT end
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