Run with VRX⚓︎
How to run demo⚓︎
Confirm dependencies⚓︎
- Docker: a container management tool
- Nvidia-toolkit: Nvidia's software for enabling GPU support from Docker images.
- Rocker: a Docker wrapper that will help build and run your Docker image so it is correctly configured for your local hardware.
Run the vrx simulator and lauch vrx simulation⚓︎
docker run --pull always --net=host --ipc=host --pid=host -it wamvtan/vrx:latest ros2 launch vrx_gz world:=stationkeeping_task headless:=true urdf:=/home/config/wamv_target.urdf
you can change world:=
for your purpose.
If you want to use cuda acceleration, please use this command.
docker run --gpus all --pull always --net=host --ipc=host --pid=host -it wamvtan/vrx:latest_cuda ros2 launch vrx_gz world:=stationkeeping_task headless:=true urdf:=/home/config/wamv_target.urdf
Run vrx_bridgup launch⚓︎
- vrx_bridge_node exchange GNSS topic and Imu topic from vrx to localization system. Also, vrx recieves thruster and pose of thruster command through vrx_bridge
- The ekf.lauch commands geographic_conversion(geopose_converter_component) and robotx_ekf_component.
ros2 launch vrx_bridge vrx_bringup.launch.xml